Timekeeping: Tell Me Why I Don't Like Mondays
Bob Geldof is hardly alone in being less than enthused about the start of the week, and the mystery as to why we don't like it has been equally universal.
We can point to psychological factors that might make it less appealing, than a Friday certainly, but there's a corresponding physicality to it that has, seemingly, made less sense. An off-ness to it that makes catching your tram on Monday morning feel more like you’re struggling to make your connection through Frankfurt.
Breathe Easy: When you're doing something 20,000 times a day, you want to do it right.
As with our quality of movement - for whatever reason, whether through injury, posture or habit, even with fundamental flaws in our patterns, the body will find a way around things - a compensation. For breathing it is no different, and our posture and daily habits can also be feeding subtle breathing pattern disorders.
Enter Sandman: The Forever Overlooked Game-changer.
Sleep remains largely a mystery, and any understanding we have of it's purpose, is divined only through what we are able to measure in it's absence - physical and mental decay.