Menu Design
It should come as no surprise to readers here that the way I suggest you alight this murderous merry-go-round is to make the switch to a manner of eating you can and will do forever. It takes work, but a helluva lot less work than switching your dietary allegiance every week or month or year all on the same hollow promise. Not to mention dealing with the same dissatisfaction and anxiety surrounding your health and fitness.
Most of you will know that I am not one for shortcuts. A life hack is usually just a quick way to be shit at something, but today you’re going to get one. One simple rule to help you cut to your dietary chase, and no one else’s.
And one that by contrast to ignoring reality and viewing your dietary intake steadfastly through a single lens - typically calories - you instead look to mealtimes as an opportunity to make everything better. Because health, body shape, and enjoyment of life are not, and never have been, mutually exclusive.
New horizons: The practice of goal setting
The most inspiring speech from someone else will never outweigh your own whispered argument in defence of your goal.