Baby steps: Bringing the abstract of a distant goal into everyday reality.
Behaviour goals are the means to the end, an action, over which you have direct control every day - things you can choose to do. Or not. This step further imposes a degree of honesty likely missing from an ‘aim for the stars’ fantasy. If reality was absent from the goal-setting process, here is where it makes it's boringly necessary appearance.
New horizons: The practice of goal setting
The most inspiring speech from someone else will never outweigh your own whispered argument in defence of your goal.
Back to the why: On Missing the point
Given that we know the body responds to reality as we perceive it, we also know there are circumstances in which we do have a conscious choice. We can choose to see it in a manner that serves, or a manner that harms. This is a game-changer for physical fitness, not to mention a useful ledge to rest on when scaling the heights of any further cognitive or consciousness development.