If you're going to do it. You may as well do it right.png


Like most people, you are probably confused about what good nutrition even means, and how you can make it work for you, in your life. Do you wonder if it’s even possible to eat in such a way that it ticks ALL the boxes - health, physique and performance, without giving up your favourite foods or going crazy in the meantime? 


The world's leading nutrition coaching

No fad diets.

No meal plans. 

A zero-risk opportunity to change your life.  


Not only is it possible, it is the only way to succeed. If you can trace back the frustrations you may have had with diets and fat loss programs in the past, you will ALWAYS find results promised at the expense of one or more of these factors. Most commonly, the sacrificing of your physical and psychological health for the promise of your dream body. Unfortunately, even if this was possible - not only is it guaranteed to be temporary, it’s a miserable way to live.

Given this is standard dietary protocol, if it ever had any chance of working, we might fairly expect to see a society filled with dietary successes - a parade of one happy, satisfied success story, after the next. Instead, we see the opposite. 

If you have tried the latest fad diets, the magic pills, the hot ‘tip’ and been disappointed and are ready to commit to getting the body you want, and you want to do it right this time, and for the last time. 




Leftfield: A surprising or unconventional position or style - we already know the conventional doesn't work.

Nutrition: A practice of eating that supports good health, performance and appearance without sacrificing any one of them, all proven by science and real world application.

Coaching: Breaking down the complex science into a series of achievable behaviours and implementing it into your lifestyle. Putting knowledge into practice enough, that it crosses that great divide from wishful thinking to reality.


My name is Oli Murdoch, a fitness and nutrition coach based in Melbourne and owner of Leftfield Training. I am a Precision Nutrition ProCoach and this habit-based methodology underpins Leftfield Nutrition Coaching.  Precision Nutrition (PN), is a highly respected and research-driven nutrition coaching company that has to date, coached over 200,000 people to optimum nutrition world-wide, including Olympic level athletes and elite sports teams and are advisors to companies including Nike and Apple. As the first certified in Victoria in 2011, I am one of the most experienced coaches in Australia.  

What makes this different, usefully different, is that the cutting edge research is applied and tested. Not just in a lab under trial conditions and not just with professional athletes, but in the real world, with real people. People just like you.  

The education is specific both to nutrition and the process of change, the objective being to build a series of new nutritional habits that will serve you for the rest of your life. Through instilling these habits in your own life you gain experiential knowledge - theory in action. Through this experiential knowledge you will develop your own nutritional instruction book - the dietary guide to you.

 As well as being for those that already know they need some guidance, this is also a program for those who believe they 'eat pretty well'.  

Given the maelstrom of nutritional ideologies and dietary dogma swirling around it’s impossible for us not to adopt at least some of them. You, will have your own. And while we could examine whether these ideas are marketing or science, test the validity of your theories or the credibility of your sources, none of it really matters.

The real point is this:

  • How are those ideas, your nutritional ideas actually playing out for you?
  • Are you happy with how you look, feel and perform?
  • Is your belief that 'I already eat pretty well’, serving you, or costing you?
It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so
— Richard Feynman

This is an opportunity for you to participate in the most successful body management program in the world, bar none. With your satisfaction guaranteed.


That's right - you achieve your goal, or you get your money back. Every cent. Sure, that is the right thing to do, but this is a peer-reviewed, research-proven program, and so the science is very clear that we can both be confident in your success.

  • A risk-free chance to change, once and for all, your lifestyle – whether it relates to eating better, looking better, feeling better or improving your health.  
  • A risk-free chance to test drive a system that has, to date, produced incredible results in 45,000 people worldwide, just like you. 

Complete the form below to register for your FREE 15 minute - no obligation, phone consult.

 Applications close WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 18th Numbers strictly limited.




Next up, I'll give you a 15minute phone call, at a time convenient to you. We'll discuss the program details and determine if it is right for you. Whatever your dietary and lifestyle circumstances, you will get a best 'next step' to follow - and that may not be this program. Of course, you can ask any questions you may have and, if you decide to proceed, you will be sent your enrolment pack. I look forward to chatting with you.