Now that you have submitted your billing agreement you will be sent a billing schedule. Please confirm and complete this immediately. 



This course is not simply delivery of information. Trying to change your habits and lifestyle just with “information” is like learning to fly a plane by reading a blog. Probably not a great idea. Furthermore, as Derek Sivers suggests, "if information was the answer, we would all be billionaires with perfect abs."

People almost never change just because they get information. Instead, we will work together to guide you through the concepts, and, most importantly, the implementation of these concepts into your daily life. 

The curriculum is:
• A set of strategic, logical lessons and activities that go in a particular order, step by step.
• A purposeful program, plan, and progression for learning, engagement, and development.

We start at the beginning with the fundamental skills you'll need to get and stay healthy, fit, and active for life. Over time, you will progress - better and more confident at each of the the skills.
Whatever level you decide to move on to, with this curriculum and learning progression, you'll never lose these basics.

When it comes to improving health, body composition, or athletic performance, it doesn’t matter what you know or what you say. The only thing that matters is what you do, consistently.
You will receive daily lesson to help you understand what you are asked to do, and why. But overall, you are asked to try things and see what works best for you. Experiment. Explore. Experience. 
See what works while getting real-time feedback. Practice.

Sure, there are general principles, like vegetables, sleep, and exercise are probably good things for most people.
You will start with general “best practices”. And then you will be guided through individualising the program for yourself. This is no one-size-fits-all or blindly following 'rules'. You will write your Owners Manual - your thoughts, beliefs, stories, environments, and most importantly, your behaviours.

Remember, the whole idea of a curriculum is to build the foundation first. Then layer on more nuanced details later. Sometimes this process will feel a little rah rah and earnest. At other times it will be a grind. Just tough it out. 

Precision Nutrition are scientists and coaches and this course is the final iteration of a decade of refinement, and tens of thousands of participants. If it could be any better, it would be. When it comes to integrating change psychology, metabolic physiology, and nutrient biochemistry into a program real people can use to get unbeatable results, it has been proven to work. 

Understand at the outset that there will be parts of it that you will not enjoy. That's okay. But don't adjust the program and don't skip over things. Everything included is there for good reason - not to make your life difficult for a laugh. Every time you decide to change something you are changing something that works. Already. 

Anything you change suggests that, "I know more about this than these guys". 

You don't.

Now you may miss the odd lesson which is fine, but the program does not stop and cannot be paused or suspended. This is a simple reflection of reality - you can't keep putting things off and expect to be successful. You have to make your goals a priority each day and take the time to consistently get closer to them, one step at a time.



Set aside enough time to really think about the questions, and give honest thoughtful answers. I know it's weird and awkward at times and it's difficult to be thoughtful, introspective and vulnerable. But if there is one maxim that will determine your success, it's that  - you will get out what you put in. 

Follow the best practices of habit science and try to do this at the same time everyday. Set aside approximately minutes. Everyday. Note that you can play the audio of these lessons and listen to them as you get ready in the morning  - whatever works for you. 

The essence of this program is in determining how you can make progress with all the ups and downs that are a day to reality of life. Not in some fantasy land where everything always goes to plan. The aim is for progress, not perfection. There is no, "oh my god I cannot eat that it isn’t on my plan" no, "screw it I have been good all month I need a release". 

Finally, be honest with me. I am not here to judge. Don’t tell me what you think I want to hear or gloss over half-truths. My capacity as coach is determined by you telling me exactly what is going on. I repeat, there is no judgement.




Each fortnight you will have a 15-minute coaching call - either phone or Skype. During the fortnight note down specific difficulties you are having, or any other issues you wish to discuss. So as to use this time most effectively, once your call is scheduled please email me these, in bullet point form, so that I am able to review them prior to the call. 




This page is set up to provide support and extra accountability. If you have questions of a general nature, or you are comfortable sharing, please post them here so that everybody can benefit. There is power in numbers and strength in community and you can all learn just as much from each other as you can from the course. You are all going through the process at the same time so use this forum to your advantage and help each other out!




I will respond to emails or messages within Procoach as able. Outside these avenues, I am available between 12 and 1pm every Tuesday. You can ring me for a chat, or leave a message and I'll ring you back. If you have a pressing concern or emergency, SMS me (0430 765 338) and I'll respond asap. 


Next up, you will receive an email invitation from Precision Nutrition to join the program. Then, you'll set up your coaching account, fill out a short questionnaire, and watch a series of short orientation videos.

Ensure all intake forms are submitted by Friday 28th July, at the latest.

If your intake forms are not submitted by this date, you will miss the start and will not begin your program until the next intake - in 3 months time. Finally, also note when completing these forms:

Accuracy here is vital - take your time and make sure you get all details correct.


Read the sentence above again. 



You have decided to give yourself one year. One year to follow a program that will teach you all about food, exercise, stress and emotional eating, portion sizes, sleep and recovery, how to make your health a part of a busy lifestyle, and much, much more.

The year ahead can be life changing but to this point your investment is purely financial. That will not be enough. I am here to help you every step of the way - it is for you to decide how much more you are willing to invest. 

Think about it. One year, beginning Monday.