[This is an information page for Leftfield Nutrition Coaching. It is long and sometimes boring, for two reasons. Firstly, to ensure it is a comprehensive look at what separates this program from more conventional 'solutions'. Secondly, to make it self-qualifying. 'Long and sometimes boring' accurately describes the process of behaviour change this page aims to inform you of.
If this page is too much for you, so will the program be. I wish you every success with any alternative. If you are still here - have you looked at the bar on the right-hand side signalling just how long it really is? You have? Okay, let's crack on with it then]
Like most people, you are probably confused about what good nutrition even means, and how you can make it work for you, in your life. Do you wonder if it’s even possible to eat in such a way that it ticks ALL the boxes - health, physique and performance, without giving up your favourite foods or going crazy in the meantime?
The world's leading nutrition coaching
Full exercise programming and guidance
A zero-risk opportunity to change your life
Not only is it possible, it is the only way to succeed. If you can trace back the frustrations you may have had with diets and fat loss programs in the past, you will ALWAYS find results promised at the expense of one or more of these factors. Most commonly, the sacrificing of your physical and psychological health for the promise of your dream body. Unfortunately, even if this was possible - not only is it guaranteed to be temporary, it’s a miserable way to live.
Given this is standard dietary protocol, if it ever had any chance of working, we might fairly expect to see a society filled with dietary successes - a parade of one happy, satisfied success story, after the next. Instead, we see the opposite.
If you have tried the fad diets, the magic pills, the hot ‘tip’ and been disappointed and are ready to commit to getting the body you want, and you want to do it right this time, and for the last time.
Good nutrition is always contextual but whether you have the 2.3 kids, work an 80 hour week, or spend 3 days a week on the road, Leftfield Nutrition helps you take the best information available and turn it into results in the real world – your world.
Supporting any individual differences, good nutrition will always meet the following criteria:
1. It must improve body composition
Body composition describes the relative percentages of fat, bone, water and muscle in the body. Looking good naked is the goal of most people when it comes to their fitness and nutrition plan. Whether that's the goal or not, good nutrition will (to a point), always decrease your body fat, and increase or maintain lean muscle mass and this is a vitally important distinction from more traditional, optimistically titled, 'fat-loss programs’, as these are concerned only with scale weight - invariably more a loss of water and lean muscle than any fat.
2. It must improve health
Aside from the good health inherent in improving your body composition, good nutrition will improve, and then support your health in every other respect including:
• reduce blood lipids
• increase insulin sensitivity
• decrease diabetes risk
• increase good cholesterol
3. It must improve performance.
Good nutrition must support all the activities of your daily life. Anything less than optimal nutrition will result in a degrading of both physical and mental function.
If you are not happy with your health, performance and body shape, and the only thing that changes every year is the calendar, the one thing that will make a difference, is something different.
Leftfield: A surprising or unconventional position or style - we already know the conventional doesn't work.
Nutrition: A practice of eating that supports good health, performance and appearance without sacrificing any one of them, all supported by science and real world application.
Coaching: Breaking down the complex science into a series of achievable behaviours and implementing it into your lifestyle. Putting knowledge into practice enough, that it crosses that great divide from wishful thinking to reality.
My name is Oli Murdoch, a fitness and nutrition coach based in Melbourne and owner of Leftfield Training. I am a Precision Nutrition ProCoach and this habit-based methodology underpins Leftfield Nutrition. As one of the first certified in 2011, I am one of the most experienced coaches in Australia.
Precision Nutrition (PN), is a highly respected and research-driven nutrition coaching company that has to date, coached over 200,000 people to optimum nutrition world-wide, including Olympic level athletes and elite sports teams and are advisors to companies including Nike and Apple.
But what makes them different, usefully different, is that they take this cutting edge research and apply it, not just in a lab under trial conditions and not just with professional athletes, but in the real world, with real people. People just like you.
The education is specific both to nutrition and the process of change, the objective being to build a series of new nutritional habits that will serve you for the rest of your life. Through instilling these habits in your own life you gain experiential knowledge - theory in action. Through this experiential knowledge you will develop your own nutritional instruction book - the dietary guide to you.
Q: What is Pro Coach?
A: Pro Coach is coaching software that will guide you through a 12-month nutritional and exercise program leading you to dramatic, yet sustainable, changes in your eating and overall health habits. Over the past 10 years, in what is the worlds largest ongoing nutritional research project, PN have used this exact software and curriculum to coach 45,000 people worldwide to dietary freedom. And that's exactly what it is - freedom.
We each have our own ideas of what success looks like and this methodology is not about deciding or defining that for you. This is a process whereby you become equipped with the skills and knowledge to decide, and achieve that, for yourself. A program that takes complex nutritional problems and breaks them down into small, strategic daily practices —small practices that are designed to fit into a busy lifestyle.
This is not a quick-fix. It is a scientifically proven, real-world-tested and refined, dietary and lifestyle overhaul. In my opinion, this course should be part of a global school curriculum. That we grow up ignorant of these basics and this control of our bodies leaves us ripe for exploitation from the fitness and both the food and diet industries. An advantage they have proven to have no hesitation in seizing.
Q: Who is this program for?
A: This curriculum is designed for anybody interested in:
- eating better
- looking better
- feeling better
- improving their health
- losing body fat, and
- experiencing body recomposition
Maybe you have some experience with consistent training and healthy eating but your results aren’t quite matching up to your efforts. This is a program that will introduces a series of foundational habits but it will also help those more experienced get back on track and stay consistent - consistent enough, to get to that point where the habit begins to support you.
Beyond this, success come in all shapes and sizes, different ages, and different backgrounds:
- Precision Nutrition Coaching – Women
(375+ women’s before and after photos. Ages 21-74)
- Precision Nutrition Coaching – Men
(225+ men’s before and after photos. Ages 21-70)
Most especially, this is a program for those that already think they 'eat pretty well'.
Given the maelstrom of nutritional ideologies swirling around it’s impossible for us not to adopt at least some of them. You, will have your own. And while we could examine whether these ideas are marketing or science, test the validity of your theories or the credibility of your sources, none of it really matters.
The real point is this:
- How are those ideas, your nutritional ideas actually playing out for you?
- Are you happy with how you look, feel and perform?
- Is your belief that 'I already eat pretty well’, serving you, or costing you?
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so”
Q: Who is this program not for?
A: This program is not suitable for you if:
- You are nutritionally advanced - unless you struggle with consistency
- You are a bodybuilder or physique athlete
- Your are preparing for a specific competition or event
- Your are an elite athlete or are already in great shape
- You want to follow a meal-plan.
Q: Why coaching? Can’t I just pick up a diet book and do this myself?
A: If we can assume that this book also happens to tick the boxes with respect to health, performance and sustainability - a rare dietary book indeed - then, if that's working for you, you'd be crazy to change it. If it isn't, however, you're crazy not to. Reading is one thing, knowing another, but neither is enough. Your body shape, along with how you look, feel, and perform, hinges only on what you do.
The ProCoach curriculum is just the information and it's the coaching that guides you through the process of converting theory to practice - the only place it can make any difference.
Q: I’m a beginner with a lot of weight to lose. Will this work for me?
A: Yes. I have worked with many who were new to exercise and healthy eating. We were all beginners at some point and in fact this program, if anything, is easier for a novice because you are starting from scratch - you won't have anything you need to unlearn, first.
Q: What if I don’t want to change my body shape but just want to eat better?
A: Some of us are lucky enough to enjoy a good body shape in spite of our nutritional habits, not because of them. This program is about creating the nutritional behaviours that will unerringly lead to a great body shape, but only as an extension to optimal performance and overall health.
Q: I follow a special diet (plant-based, vegan, Paleo, intermittent fasting). Will you still work with me?
A: this curriculum takes a dietary agnostic approach and aligned with no agenda or dogma is rarity in the nutrition world. The program can be customised to the manner in which you wish to eat and, given it's scientific foundation, can only enable you to improve your chosen diet - i.e. arming you with the skills to eat paleo, or vegan, or anything else, better.
Firstly, it is neither a diet, nor it's evil twin, the meal plan. Fad diets, in whatever shape or form, ultimately boil down to starvation. Starvation will, of course, work for everyone for a time, but, sooner or later, death or illness not withstanding, you must begin to eat at a normal level again. Only now, with the subsequent loss of lean muscle you are more pre-disposed to gain it all back and more. Meal plans are equally unsustainable and aside from locking you in to somebody else's idea of how you should eat - doesn't teach you the skills to proceed by yourself.
These options only guarantee the cliched dietary roller coasters - starve, eat starve, or on, off, on. Perfect only for those selling them to you - because you'll always come back. The one way out of this cycle begins with the simple recognition that;
unless you change your behaviour you will, and can, only ever end up where you started
You don't know anything else.
The only dietary philosophy here is that which is supported by science, not to mention, screamingly obvious. A healthy diet mostly consists of:
- whole, minimally processed foods;
- lots of plants;
- enough protein to meet your needs;
- a healthy mix of different fats;
- plenty of water; and
- carbohydrates based on activity levels.
Through lessons, assignments, and daily habits:
- you will find the right mix of all these foods for your goals, lifestyle, and preferences.
- you learn how to make meals suitable for you.
- help you stay consistent.
But this goes much deeper than just the food. This is a program of triage - dealing with the most important things first and in focusing on your next best step many are surprised to learn that this is frequently not dietary change.
There are 5 central themes:
Source: Precision Nutrition
- nutrition
- sleep
- stress-management
- mindset
- overall healthy living
Using a habit-based approach rooted in change psychology you will be guided through a series of lessons, each designed to be practical in nature so you can implement what you learn as you go.
Through instilling these habits in your own life you gain experiential knowledge - theory in action. Through this knowledge you will develop your own nutritional instruction book - the dietary guide to you.
Nutrition and lifestyle change is next to impossible without a corresponding training program. Attempting change through exercise alone is equally futile.
Training program screenshot
Select one of 28 different programs - so whether you are looking to build muscle or recover from an acute shoulder injury, you'll have a proven program - complete with video demonstrations of each movement - to guide you through.
You will then receive 3-4 workouts a week automatically. Each a part of a periodised program designed by world-class exercise physiologists and strength coaches.
Modify each workout based on time, availability and capability
But you are in control. Each day you can choose between the full, at-home or quick variations for each workout, so whether you're traveling or in a gym, you'll be able to get your training in.
“Permanent weight loss happens when people adopt lifestyle changes and long term healthy eating patterns”
A year might seem like a long time to commit to learning everything you need to know to look, feel and perform at your best, but how many more years are you willing to commit to living otherwise?
- A risk-free chance to change, once and for all, your lifestyle – whether it relates to eating better, looking better, feeling better or improving your health. A one year journey to a new you.
- A risk-free chance to test drive a system that has produced incredible results in 45,000 people worldwide, just like you.
$84 x 26 fortnightly payments*
($99 x 26 with training program*)
Expert coaching to give feedback and support, make adjustments, and keep you accountable
Email support and fortnightly coaching call
ProCoach software curriculum delivery
Private Facebook community to provide support, advice and accountability
No lock-in contracts, cancel at any time
*Leftfield Guarantee - see below
$42 x 26 fortnightly payments
($57 x 26 with training program)
Full nutrition and optional exercise curriculum for those confident they can go it alone
3 coaching calls included for trouble-shooting as necessary
ProCoach software curriculum delivery
Private Facebook community to provide support, advice and accountability
No lock-in contracts, cancel at any time
Numbers strictly limited.
I'll give you a 15 minute phone call, at a time convenient to you. We'll discuss the program details and determine if it is right for you. Whatever your dietary and lifestyle circumstances, you will get a best 'next step' to follow - and that may not be this program. Of course, you can ask any questions you may have and, if you decide to proceed, you will be sent your enrolment pack. I look forward to chatting with you.
The modern-day climate of fat-loss formulas and weight-loss miracles reveal an industry focused solely on smoke and mirrors rather than actually serving its customers. The sheer number of these businesses confirm that it's working, and yet the rate of failure for their customers - at 92% who regain any weight lost - is almost total. Given this rate of failure, it's obvious they are not quite so prepared to put their money where their mouth is and that any guarantee of sustainable change would put them all out of business.
Their success is only in pulling the wool over their customer's eyes and making them believe that the fault lies with them, not the product, and if they only give it another go - it'll be different this time.
But I acknowledge I'm offering the same promise - dietary happiness. Not only would it be a bit rich for me to think that you would see this course as being any different, in fact, I hope you don't. In the present nutritional climate of hype, misinformation and outright fraud, your cynicism with regards to these promises is not only understandable, it's to be encouraged. So, if you aren't confident, I am.
There are only two possible outcomes in which your participation in this program can have any value to me as a business owner:
- Your success - that when this course is finished, and more likely during, you will be singing it's praises.
- That after a year, even if you are not satisfied with the outcome, you will still have learned a great deal of factual nutrition and lifestyle information and received every cent back - a savings plan as a worst-case-scenario.
THE LEFTFIELD GUARANTEE - If you are not satisfied, for any reason, you get your money back. All of it.
I have no hesitation in offering this guarantee because I know that the program can’t not work. We all, inescapably, reflect our dietary and exercise habits. After one year, your habits will be different. As will you be. We are not resorting to standard dietary practice and attempting to change your body; we are changing behaviour.
Your body will change itself.
There is a problem inherent to the offering of a guarantee in these circumstances. Not due to any doubt over the efficacy of the program, but because it can, from the outset, send the wrong message. So, just so we're clear:
This is not a service or a product and it cannot be done for you.
I could say it's a 'journey', but then I'd be a little bit sick in my mouth, so let's just call it a coaching process. As your coach, the offer of a guarantee demonstrates my accepting responsibility for the outcome. It is my job to guide you through the work required - my role as coach is to help you do, what you say you want to do. But my effectiveness as a coach is wholly determined by your engagement and investment in the process. Without this, there is nothing, and nobody, to 'coach'. As I am invested only in your success, not in making it easier for you to fail, this Leftfield Guarantee is open only to those who complete the course, with a 75% rate of compliance. Note that this guarantee is not available for the un-coached option as I, quite obviously, cannot guarantee results in areas beyond my control to deliver.
There is no getting around the work required but with your satisfaction guaranteed the equation is simple; do you want it, or not?