You are best served not by the fastest, the closest, the most convenient, the easiest, or the most comfortable, but only by a process through which you come to develop personal responsibility. To learn to trust yourself and your own fitness and dietary decisions.
Under this program, you are neither client nor customer both of which imply that Leftfield can simply hand you the solution. Even were that the case, I wouldn't, as without a deeper understanding you will, inevitably, end up exactly where you are now. With support where necessary and an environment in which you are encouraged not only to succeed but also in which to make your own mistakes, you become a student. Not a student of Leftfield Training, but a student of you.
Leftfield Online eliminates the guesswork and confusion surrounding fitness and nutrition - cutting through the fitness and weight-loss bullshit that saturates our lives. Less a service of personal training Leftfield Online coaches you through a process of lifestyle re-design. This is by necessity. Put into context best by inversion, this is the simple acknowledgement that if your lifestyle presently reflected your fitness hopes and dreams, you would have them already.
Exercise is, of course, one of the tools available but very often it is not applicable as a first step. As they say, if all you have is a hammer everything starts to look like a nail. Adding exercise to a tired, stressed and/or underfed body is the last thing it needs, but when it’s the only tool a PT has, guess what you’re gonna be getting?
Leftfield Online offers a more intelligent, nuanced approach. Admittedly, a lifestyle overhaul is probably not what you have in mind and while it’s not unheard of, this is rarely necessary either.
Leftfield Online retains the overarching theme of cultivating your own fitness and nutritional practice and is not for those who just want to be told what to do. All too uncommon, these skills will have you miles ahead of the zoo-human curve. It is for those who want to take control over how they look, feel and perform. Permanently.
In addition to the physical benefits, this creates a host of additional advantages, a ripple effect extending far beyond your training sessions.
What you can expect
An evidence-based protocol incorporating the best practices of exercise science, nutrition, and behaviour change. Through learning and following the physiological principles that govern your body and mind, you'll discover that your goals are not something to be strived for or chased and that fitness, however you might define it, is not an endless pursuit to be grudgingly endured. It just happens. It can’t not. Not without effort, to be clear, but an effort that is assuredly rewarded. All the help you need to help yourself.
What you can’t expect
There is no detoxing, juicing, or any other 'modality' that might be deemed pseudoscience. There is no mindless exercise, and a clear distinction is made between 'tired and sweaty' and 'better' - not always the same thing. There is no restrictive dieting, calorie-counting or meal plans, not merely due to a lack of efficacy but because they only encourage further disconnection from the body. There is no supplement and/or equipment up-selling. My advice comes from a position that has no self-interest beyond seeing you succeed, lending all recommendations a weight that would otherwise be compromised by any affiliation. Oh, and one final thing...
No doubt, you will have noticed there are no 'before and after' pics plastered all over this page, as is standard fitness protocol. I never have done this and never will. Aside from being easily faked, or merely capturing a very temporary 'result', I don't see it as any sort of fair trade-off:
- I'll use you as a marketing tool, yes, in your underwear, if I do my job - what you're paying me for.
I don't employ my clients for my own ends. They employ me. I can’t imagine enjoying the prospect of being plastered all over the internet in my undies, so I don’t see the use of these pics as a demonstration of proficiency, more a demonstration of placing my own needs above those of my clients.
Fitness and nutritional marketing, along with most of what lies behind it, is invariably total bullshit. I will not be joining in. If you have any concerns as to the efficacy of this program, I am happy to put you in contact with a current participant or graduate, and they can show you their undies pics if they wish. If that's not working for you, you'll have to settle for the fact that your success is guaranteed.
“‘Coaching’ from a distance was something not long ago I wouldn’t have considered. Work took me on the road for a few months I needed something I could do for exercise but with some sort of accountability (I would’ve struggled if I relied solely on myself). Oli’s no-BS approach had me rapidly self-reliant without me even realising! I was particularly impressed with intertwining physical fitness, mental strength and productivity – creating a skeleton of habits and activities that supported everything else in my life. My fitness, physique, mood and productivity have all improved because of things I continue to this day.”
LEFTFIELD ONLINE is priced from 50 USD for a minimum of 6 weeks and comes supported by a full guarantee.
So as to continue to provide a high level of service, numbers are limited. Participants are selected not by level of fitness, goals, or apparent need, only by mindset. This does not mean psych-up chest-beating and mantra yelling, just the understanding that your success is self-determined. If you are looking for all the help you need to help yourself, all enquires are welcomed.