When was the last time you felt truly relaxed about your physical body, what it could do, how it looked and how it felt?

For many, it’s been so long they can barely remember. 

Some can’t honestly say they have ever felt this way.

Never felt at ease in their bodies. Meaning both body and mind become a source of discomfort, worry and angst. 

And we instinctively withdraw from anything that makes us feel like that. Even ourselves.

Especially ourselves.

It's likely any attempt(s) to address this have only compounded the issue, adding struggle, confusion and frustration to the mix. Hardly surprising, given the conventional approach to fitness only elicits further disconnection from the body. Teaching you to believe that your 'goals' and 'results' and other buzzwords now take precedence.

Of course this is not to say that your goals are not important – but they can only be achieved by working with your body rather than against it. On any list of 'things your body responds to', I promise you your goals don't feature on it.

The evidence of this failed approach is all around us. More trainers. More gyms. More fitness information. And along with spiralling rates of obesity and disease, undoubtedly more frustration, more struggle, more confusion, more pain.

Which is bemusing not least because through a rare, yet persistent, combination of industry shortsightedness, arrogance and ignorance, it is all so predictable. The final insult, and the real kicker, is that you are then left to belief as if it’s all your fault. So you keep trying. Or you give up.

So in 2010 I offered an antidote. In direct contrast to the screaming pageant-mom of fitness in its current guise, Leftfield Training is more aligned with the ancient Greek ideal of exercise, and one further echoed throughout the Eastern traditions. 

This is exercise as wise counsel. A foundation of health, education and philosophy, but most importantly, a medium of self-discovery. Leftfield Training is about re-connecting to your body, not shunning it. 

You could say that Leftfield is the long game. And while this is accurate, it is also meaningless. There is no other game.

The same themes that underpin every facet of your Leftfield Training are those you'll recognise as being common to success in any sphere - quality, consistency, awareness and balance.

So if they are common to every single other field known, what's so special about it? Nothing. There is nothing special whatsoever. Other than to point out that they all remain conspicuously absent from the madness that is modern fitness. 

Like any organism, your body wants fitness over the alternative. If you listen to it and respond appropriately, you’ll get it. Not as some happy accident, or a roll of the dice. But as a physiological certainty.

Leftfield Training is not contrarian for the sake of it. Nor for a unique selling point. It is a shift away from a system that has demonstrably failed, to a system that can’t fail to succeed.

Instead of working against your body you'll learn to operate in harmony with it. To follow the physiological principles that govern your body and mind.

But you don't need to take my word for it because you will feel and see the difference. The principles prove themselves - that’s what principles do.

There is but one leap of faith required - registering your interest below.

“I've achieved my goals that were set at the start, but most importantly I know it’s sustainable as the program has provided me with the tools to maintain a holistic approach to nutrition, physical health and mental well being. I have to say it's one of the best investments I've made in myself ” - T. Hast, 52

So, you want a healthy, supple, strong body that serves you. No longer a source of worry but a source of wonder. 

You could hire another PT and go back around the loop again. But you already know where it leads. A different result demands a different approach.

Leftfield Training - The final piece.

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